everis supports the European Commission in launching the new Europass | NTT DATA

everis supports the European Commission in launching the new Europass

During the last years, everis has been supporting the Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) in implementing the new Europass online platform. The project, led by the everis Belgian office, puts together talent from different geographies and business units, ensuring the availability of the required expertise to cope with its requirements, ranging from strategic business and IT consultancy to software development services.  

The crisis stemming from COVID – 19 is affecting all markets, and the (digital) labour market and education and training sector is not an exception. In parallel, labour markets are transitional, which require people to constantly adapt and manage their careers in a fast- changing world. 

In this context, the 1st of July, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit together with Vice President Margaritis Schinas and Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis announced in a joint press conference the launch of the new Europass platform as an action framed in the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, one of the four proposals put forward around skills, youth employment and vocational education and training contributing to the Recovery Plan for Europe

The launch of the new platform marks a new chapter in the modernisation of EU tools for skills. Europass is a European framework to support communication of information on skills and qualifications. Since 2004, it has become a well-known European brand and one of the most visited sites of the European Institutions. The adoption of the new Europass decision in 2018 laid the foundations for a modernised framework and a renewed online platform, which includes a set of web-based tools, services and information to help people identify and communicate their skills and qualifications in 29 languages. 

The new Europass platform also encompasses a public preview of a technical framework for issuing, validating and securely storing digital credentials, one of the 11 actions included in the Digital Education Action Plan. 

During its first 24h, the new platform registered 95,000 visits, consolidating its potential and impact not only towards job seekers and learners, but also as a valuable source of skills intelligence to improve policy making.  

“Europass is a strategic project for everis that plays an important role in recovering the labour market damage brought by the coronavirus pandemic and supporting the agenda of the European Commission for the next years” - Oscar Abril, Head of Public Sector & Healthcare Europe, and Managing Partner at everis BENELUX  -

everis will continue providing support to the European Commission in defining and implementing its ambitious roadmap while supporting other initiatives related to the labour marked at European level. 

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